“8BIT MUSIC POWER” and “KIRA-KIRA STAR NIGHT DX” will be reselled for the NES.

I composed the song of stage 6 of level 2 in Kira-kira, and the last song in 8BMP plus all sound effects.
By the way, I programmed Mr. Nakagata’s song in “8Bit Music Power Final” too.
To me, programming his music was for the first time in 27 years, it was when I was a rookie that I converted his Burai Fighter sound for Gameboy, so I remember back then and it was a nostalgic and happy experience.
This is a made-to-order product. You can order HERE.

あと、同時発売の8Bit Music Power Finalでは中潟さんの曲のMML化をやったっつー、オイラがゲーム音楽の仕事を始めた当初に中潟さんのブライファイターのサウンドをゲームボーイに移植した時以来の師弟コンビでお送りしておりま。